
Book of Life Program

The Book of Life is a collection of essays that record the personal histories, values and dreams of individuals who have made charitable investments in our community’s future. The Book was created by the Jewish Community Foundation to honor and pay tribute to the individuals who have made a commitment to establish an endowment or leave a bequest to the Jewish community. 

Edie_Adelman_smallWhen Edie Adelman* signed the Book of Life, she shared some of her history and motivation for supporting the Jewish community:

My most intense community involvement was centered at the Milwaukee Jewish Federation. I worked my way through the ranks of the Women’s Division and was pleased to serve as campaign chair and president of that important segment of the Federation. It was also through my activity at the Federation that I formed life-long friendships with wonderful men and women… As a part of the continuing of Jewish life, I wanted to leave something for the future – something that will enhance Jewish life after I am no longer here. The Book of Life has provided me with that opportunity. 

Our community flourishes today and will grow in perpetuity because these people planted the seeds of caring and nurtured its roots. Their values and commitment have made our community what it is today and what it will be tomorrow.

Contact us to learn more about the Book of Life.

*of blessed memory

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