
Legacy Stories

Create a Jewish Legacy was designed to help you create permanent legacy gifts, demonstrating your belief in the continuity of Jewish life for generations to come. All of us, regardless of age, wealth or affiliation, have the ability to help sustain a vibrant Jewish community now and in the future.

Click on an image below to view a personal story about how Create a Jewish Legacy is enabling individuals, families and organizations to leave a legacy.

Appel-cropped Mazor-Posner-cropped Grinkers-croppedPenny-and-Jim-Deshur-cropped Rosen-Zak-cropped Sweets_cropped Murphys_croppedMarks_cropped  Grandes_cropped Josephs_cropped WeinshelSinai_cropped SteelesJewishBeginnings_croppedJCFCJL_Basses JCFCJL_Glaser JCFCJL_Londons JCFCJL_Karans JCFCJL_ettinger JCFCJL_newbeginnings JCFCJL_salinsky JCFCJL_Sector JCFCJL_fine JCFCJL_sessel JCFCJL_bbyo JCFCJL_Rubins  JCFCJL_lauwasser JCFCJL_tarnoff JCFCJL_mertdottiegelfmans

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