
Business & Professional Network

The Business & Professional Network offers Milwaukee Jewish Federation professionals a host of opportunities to come together with other like-minded community members and philanthropists. It is a giving society that offers you opportunities for engagement and education with others who share your values.

About Business & Professional Network

A new way to connect

Join today to propel both you and our local community forward.

Membership benefits

  • Community access and networking at events
  • Compelling content and topical events throughout the year with great community connection opportunities
  • Insider knowledge on how the Federation and our agencies operate
  • Leadership and volunteer opportunities within the Jewish community
  • A forum to discuss issues from a Jewish perspective
  • Mentorship program
  • Donor honor roll listings in the Federation’s Annual Report and a business directory on the BPN webpage
  • Continued education credit opportunities

Membership exclusively for donors of our Annual Campaign

Monthly gift payment options are available.

Ages 45+Ages 35-44
34 and underCollege/Med Residents
Ages 45+Ages 35-4434 and underCollege/Med Residents

BPN Giving Societies


Open to all healthcare professionals (including but not limited to: physicians, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, therapists, and students or residents in any of these related fields). Also known as the Maimonides Society, named for the great 12th century Jewish physician and sage, Moses ben Maimon.

General Business/Financial Professionals

Open to all business and commerce professionals (including but not limited to: business owners, manufacturers, retailers, start-ups, tech industry, wholesalers, and students in any of these related fields) and all financial professionals (including but not limited to: accountants, actuaries, appraisers, bankers, insurance brokers, stockbrokers, wealth advisors, and students in any of these related fields).


Open to all legal professionals (including but not limited to: attorneys, judges, legal assistants, and students in any of these related fields). Also known as the Cardozo Society, named after the renowned Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Benjamin Cardozo (1870-1938).

Real Estate

Open to all real estate professionals (including but not limited to: real estate brokers, developers, construction firms and students in any of these related fields).

Other Business Opportunities

Economic Forum

Milwaukee Jewish Federation’s Economic Forum convenes the business community to hear a world-class expert explore an issue of importance to our economy followed by a panel of experts analyzing the issue through a local lens.

Corporate Partnership Program

MJF works to improve the city and the world every day by enriching the community in which we live and by providing services to those in need regardless of religious affiliation.

Have questions or looking to get more involved?

Ryan Woloshin, Director – Business & Professional Network and Corporate Partnerships, at 414-390-5774 or RyanW@MilwaukeeJewish.org

Past Events

BPN Fall Meet-Up at Ascent MKE

BPN hosted the Fall Meet-Up at the Ascent MKE building, an architectural landmark built by community member Tim Gokhman. Tim shared the story of this remarkable structure, the world’s largest timber building.

Keynote Speaker
Jesse Ehrenfeld, Immediate Past President of the American Medical Association and practicing anesthesiologist at the Medical College. Jesse will discuss the challenges of antisemitism within the medical field and how he integrates Jewish values into his practice.

Dr. David Coran and Tamar Kelber

Jesse Ehrenfeld
Tim Gokhman