
Jewish Women’s Endowment Fund

Who we are

The Jewish Women’s Endowment Fund (JWEF) is a community endowment fund for Jewish women in Milwaukee. In 1993, a group of 41 women gave a collective gift of over $100,000 to establish this permanent fund within the Jewish Community Foundation (the endowment development program of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation). The interest generated each year is used to fund grants to Milwaukee nonprofit organizations – both Jewish and non-Jewish – that directly benefit women and children. The grants process is administered by Women’s Philanthropy of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation and a committee of JWEF members who volunteer their time. Watch JWEF members talk about being involved with the fund.

Our Impact

The Jewish Women’s Endowment Fund responds to critical needs in the Milwaukee community by making grants focused on programs relating to women’s health care, women’s economic self-sufficiency, and children at risk. Since 1995, the Fund has awarded grants of over $400,000 benefitting 66 local agencies and has grown to over 240 members.

How you can join

You can join the Jewish Women’s Endowment Fund with a one-time gift of $1500 (or $500 for women 35 and under), payable over two years. Members are welcome and encouraged to continue giving to the Fund going forward.

There are several ways you can increase your gift or become a member of JWEF.

  1. Click here to make your gift online (please include “Jewish Women’s Endowment Fund” or “JWEF” in your submission).
  2. If you want to use your Donor Advised Fund (DAF) at the Jewish Community Foundation, you can use the Fund Portal or however you normally recommend grants from your DAF.
  3. Contact Sowa Unora at 414-390-5712 or Jen Vettrus at 414-390-5722, at the Jewish Community Foundation,  to learn more about how to make your JWEF contribution.

For more information, please contact JWEF.WI@Gmail.com

Support JWEF

Help the Fund grow in fun and meaningful ways!

Member Birthday Card Fundraiser:
JWEF members can send a special birthday card to other JWEF members every year. Purchase birthday cards.

Greeting Card Fundraiser:
Purchase a pack of greeting cards featuring art by local Jewish artist, Amy Gelfman. Purchase greeting cards.

Mah Jongg Fundraiser:
Order Mah Jongg cards through JWEF to have a portion of the sale donated back to JWEF. Contact Melissa Taylor for more information.

Donate directly or donate through your Donor Advised Fund:
-Send a check made out to the “Jewish Women’s Endowment Fund (JWEF)” to the Milwaukee Jewish Federation at 1360 N Prospect Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53202
-Contact Melissa Taylor to make an online donation.
-Contact the staff at the Jewish Community Foundation to arranged for a fund transfer to the Jewish Women’s Endowment Fund.

2024 Grant Recipients

Greater Milwaukee Urban League
$10,000 for GMUL’s Family Microsoft Certification program that will offer a proactive solution by providing structured learning opportunities for both students and families, aiming to bridge the digital divide and empower marginalized communities with valuable skills and opportunities

Harry & Rose Samson Family JCC – Jewish Community Pantry
$9,900 for to provide festive meals for 100 households both at Thanksgiving and at Christmas

Lad Lake, Inc.
$7,600 for two master’s level clinicians become certified trainers/supervisors of the Family Check-Up (FCU) and Everyday Parenting (EPU) programs that will enable the certified trainers to prepare all Lad Lake clinicians to deliver FCU and EDP with fidelity to youth and families at all points in the continuum of care.

Milwaukee Jewish Day School
$5,000 to implement a monthly communal reading experience for MJDS students from 3K through 8th grade, focusing on topics such as friendship, inclusivity, and social issues like race, religion, and socioeconomic status.

JWEF Grant Application

The Jewish Women’s Endowment Fund is now accepting applications for 2025. Access the 2025 application here. If you would like to be included in our request for proposals, please contact JWEF.WI@Gmail.com.