
Consensus Positions and Statements

The JCRC strives to speak as the representative of the Jewish community on issues of public affairs and public policy. Read the general statements and consensus positions below.


Second Statement on UWM (May 14, 2024)
First Statement on UWM (May 13, 2024)
Campus Encampments (May 2, 2024)

Joint Statement on Antisemitic Chalkings at UW-Madison (September 14, 2022)
Statement on overturning of Roe vs. Wade (June 27, 2022)
Statement on the Rittenhouse Verdict (November 21, 2021)
Statement on Holocaust Comparisons (October 13, 2021)
Statement on Jacob Blake (August 24, 2020)
Joint Statement on George Floyd (June 2, 2020)
Statement HR246 (July 29, 2019)
Joint Statement Addressing WI Family Action’s Comparison of the Pride Flag to the Nazi Flag (June 17, 2019)
Statement on Otzma Yehudit Party (March 1, 2019)
Nominees Sought for Robert H. Friebert Social Justice Award (February 4, 2019)
Updated Joint Statement on Baraboo High School Photo (November 13, 2018)
Joint Statement on Baraboo High School Photo (November 12, 2018)
JCRC Communications Regarding the State of Israel (September 28, 2018)
Position concerning “Zero Tolerance” Family Separation Policy (June 21, 2018)
Community Consensus Position on Racial Justice and Policing (March 9, 2018)Joint Statement on Congressional Candidate Paul Nehlen (February 2, 2018)
Joint Statement on Incident at Franklin High School (January 23, 2018)
Jewish and Latino Faith and Community Leaders Urge Congress Not to Delay DREAM Act (January 17, 2018)
Latino-Jewish Alliance Leaders Call on City to Take Action on Hate
(Dec 2017)
Statement on Jerusalem (Dec 2017)
Wisconsin Jewish Federations Statement on Anti-Discrimination Order (Oct 2017)
Jewish Community Calls for United Response against White Supremacists (August 2017)
Community Consensus Position on Hate Crimes (May 2017)
Jewish Community Opposes Executive Orders Targeting Immigrants and Refugees (January 30, 2017)
Jewish Community Relations Council denounces Bannon appointment (November 14, 2016)
Jewish Community Relations Council looks forward after election (November 11, 2016)
Responses to Violence: Group chooses reconciliation over revenge (September 21, 2016)
Group Chooses Reconciliation Over Revenge: Parents Circle Families Forum Offers Message of Hope (September 7, 2016)
Choosing simplistic solutions for complex problems (June 11, 2016)
Danae Davis, to receive 2016 Robert H. Friebert Social Justice Award (May 16, 2016)
JCRC horrified by bus bombing in Jerusalem (April 18, 2016)
Wisconsin Supreme Court Candidate Forum on March 29: Bradley no longer participating (March 22, 2016)
Nominees Sought for Robert H. Friebert Social Justice Award (March 22, 2016)
Jewish Community Relations Council 2015 Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents (March 15, 2016)
Jewish Community denounces hateful rhetoric, calls for compassionate treatment of refugees (December 10, 2015)Consensus Position on Syrian Refugee Crisis (December 10, 2015)
Statement on the Jaume Plensa Sculpture in Shorewood, Wisconsin (November 13, 2015)Jewish Community Relations Council Statement on Terrorist Attacks in Israel (October 14, 2015)
Jewish Community Relations Council Statement on Iran Agreement (July 14, 2015)
Jewish community expresses shock and outrage at Charleston church shootings (June 19, 2015)
Statement on Iran and PM Netanyahu’s Speech (March 3, 2015)
Voting Rights Policy Position (January 26, 2015)
MJF Denounces Paris Attacks (January 12, 2015)JCRC Statement on Dontre Hamilton (December 24, 2014)



2008 Payday Loans
2002 Opposition to Proposed Elimination of Discretionary State-Aid (Shared Revenue)
1996 Public Funding Strategy
1995-1996 Wisconsin Works
1995 Public Funding Strategy Task Force
1990 Violence–Threats
1989 Minimum Wage Legislation
1989 Principles on Welfare
1988 Hunger1987-1995 Welfare
1968 Civil Disorders
Unknown Date Welfare Reform


2011 School Vouchers
2001 Child Care/Early Childhood Education
1999 Public Education Charter School Movement
1998 Milwaukee Minority Ministerial Alliance
1996 Testimony to Special Zoning, Neighborhoods and Development Committee
1996 Principles for Excellence in Public Education
1993 MPS Bond Referendum
1992 Tuition Tax Credits to Private and Religious Affiliated Schools
1986 Public Education Issues
1976 School Integration
1976 Metro Pupil Trade Milwaukee Sentinel
1974 Schools Committee Recommendation
1974 De Facto Segregation
1972 School Bussing
1971 Aid to Parochial Schools
1969 Public Funds to Private and Parochial Schools
1969 Parochial Schools
1967 School Board Election
1967 Jewish Education
1966 (February) De Fact School Segregation
1966 (January) De Facto School Segregation
1965 De Facto Segregation
1964 De Facto Segregation

Health Care

2007-2006 Adult and Embryonic Stem Cell Research and Cloning for Therapeutic Purposes
2001 Mental Health Services
2000 Older Adult Services
1995 End-of-Life Decisions
1991 Access to Health Care
1987 (November 19) Family and Medical Leave Job Security Act
1987 (June 11) Family and Medical Leave Job Security Act
1987 (June 10) Family and Medical Leave Job Security Act
1972 Sex Education 

Immigrants and Refugees

2015 Refugees
2015 Syrian Refugees Statement
2013 Immigration
1989 Emigration Act
1982 Sanctuary

Inter-Group Relations

2018 Racial Justice and Policing
2015 Letter of Solidarity with Milwaukee Muslims
2015 Dontre Hamilton
2013 Race-Based Nicknames, Logos, Mascots
1995 Public Discourse
1995 American Indian Logos
1991 Municipal Service Fees
1990 Native American Treaty Rights and Racism
1989 Racism and Native Americans
1967 Religious and Racial Records


1985 Comparable Worth

Women’s Issues

1979 Abortion and Reproductive Choice

American Government and Pluralistic Democracy

2015-2014 Voting Rights
2011 State Budget Repair Bills
2011 Photo ID for Voting
2011 Concealed Weapons Carry
2005-2004 TABOR (Taxpayer Bill of Rights)
2004 TABOR
2001 Election Reform
1996 Domestic Militia
1995 State Ban on Private Militias
1991 Gun Control
1983 Paramilitary Training Bill
1963 Sunday Closing Bill—Religious Freedom

Anti-Semitism and Hate Crimes

2017 Hate Crimes
2015 Paris Attacks
2015 Charleston Church Shooting
2015 Anti-Semitic Vandalism
2014 Anti-Semitism Increase
2013 Boston Marathon Bombing
2012 Sikh Temple Shooting
2000 Anti-Jewish Rhetoric and Violence
1996 Hate Crimes on the Internet
1986 Hate Crimes Legislation
1986 Meir Kahane
1977 Nazi Rallies
1977 Nazi Activity and County Parks
1968 Club Discrimination Part Two
1968 Club Discrimination
(Unknown Date) Hate Crime Legislation

Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

2018 Racial Justice and Policing
2006 Capital Punishment
2005-2004 Efforts to Define Marriage in Wisconsin Constitution
2000 Racial Profiling
1995 Federal Counter-Terrorism Act of 1995
1995 Amendment to the Federal Constitution on Religion
1994 Jonathan Pollard
1992 First Amendment Freedom of Speech
1990 Civil Rights Act of 1990
1990 AIDS
1972 Prisoners’ Rights
1972 Affirmative Action


2011 Holocaust Imagery in Madison Protests
1989 Carmelite Convent Issue
1965 Sister City Proposal

Inter-Religion Relation

2012 Proposed Brookfield Mosque
1992 Proselytizing
1975 New Vatican Guidelines
1973 Key ‘73

Separation of Religion and State

1994 Cross in City of Wauwatosa’s Official Symbol
1993 Role of Religion in Public Affairs in Wisconsin
1989 Religious Symbols on Public Property
1972 Released Time Program
1969 Humane Slaughter
1963 Sunday Closing Bill 362—Religious Freedom
(Unknown Date) Religious Freedom