

2025 Annual Campaign Volunteer Kickoff

Please join us for an afternoon of inspiration and education as we come together AS ONE to launch our 2025 Annual Campaign. Whether you’re an experienced volunteer or someone who wants to make a difference in securing our community, fighting antisemitism, and ensuring our Jewish community thrives for generations to come…WE NEED YOU!  

Keynote Speaker
Jeff Schoenfeld
Israel Emergency Fund Campaign Chair, Jewish Federations of North America

Campaign Chairs
Susan Angel Miller and Tanya Arbit

Event Details
Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024
Milwaukee Youth Arts Center
325 W. Walnut St., Milwaukee

3:30 pm Doors Open/Registration
4-5 pm Keynote Speaker
5-6 pm Breakout Education Sessions
6-7 pm Discussion & Dinner

RSVP by September 23, 2024

We need lots of volunteers to do this work!  Please feel free to bring a friend or family member.


Thank you for volunteering for the Milwaukee Jewish Federation’s Annual Campaign! We have created this digital tool kit just for you because we know that being informed is a critical key to a successful ask.

If you have questions about the tools, please contact Melanie Stagg at MelanieS@MilwaukeeJewish.org or 414-390-5735. And thank you again.

2025 Solicitor Toolkit:

Coming Soon

Start the Conversation
Use these talking points to share information about MJF.

Israel Emergency + Annual Campaign
Israel and our local community need our support.

Case for Giving
Broad overview of our role as a convener and central address.

Donor Impact booklet
Explains MJF’s role in the community.

Donor Infographic sheet
Snapshots of MJF’s impact in 2022-2023.

Affinity Groups
Helps your people make connections with others.

Israel Allocations
Examples of where the money goes in Israel.

Donor Advised Funds
Everything you need to know about DAFs.

Endowment Legacy Gifts 
Everything you need to know about Legacy gifts.

Endowments with a Life Insurance Policy
Everything you need to know about Legacy gifts.