■ Keynote Speaker: Sam Harris
Sam Harris is a child survivor of the Holocaust. He was born on May 13, 1935, in Deblin, Poland, and was only four years old when World War II broke out in 1939. As a young child, he survived four years in the Deblin ghetto and in Czestochowa concentration camp.
Sam lost his parents and five brothers and sisters, who were killed in Treblinka death camp.
Sam is an active member of the community, and is a past President of the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center. Sam continues to speak extensively on the local and state level about his experiences and lessons of the Holocaust. Sam is also the author of Sammy: Child Survivor of the Holocaust.
■ Distinguished Guest: Bishop Richard J. Sklba, S.T.D., Bishop Emeritus, Archdiocese of Milwaukee
■ Winners of Holocaust Youth Essay Contest (Sponsored by the Habush Family Foundation)
Yamim 2016 Brochure
Yamim 2016 Flyer
Amit Yaniv-Zehavi 414.390.5705 | Dr. Shay Pilnik 414.963.2719 | Mona Cohen 414.967.8249